
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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I think it's that connection that causes GWAR to start their tours here....
Almost as good as Green Jellö...
Gotta love lamb chops with green jelly...
What goes good with meat? More meat...
I'm not so sure it's good to be green....
Or this guy...
But these guys were the hit of the show...
I think they're retired now...
Careful with the birds.... they can be scary.
You just read this in his voice...
Ahhhh! I did! I did!!!
This is more efficient way to crush cans. And it doesn't cause headaches...
I remember going to a concert with Terry and he drank a six between picking him up and getting there. Get outta the car, going down the stairs and he finished his last and said, "dude, betcha I can break this bottle over my head..." -bonk- -bonk- then dropped it while staggering down the steps, and it didn't break when it fell on the concrete either....
I was there. And I wish the back of your truck was as cushy as this one...
Betcha glad I didn't have one of these....