
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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True, some of those classic are tough to swallow now...
I have a few like that too...
Then there are reasons not specific to the original movie that will force you to sit and watch as well...
I take it that one turned out good? Then there's the one's you can only watch when not in the right frame of mind (with special thanks to Rob for introducing me to that)...
No mind altering drugs for me anymore, but getting good and drunk and watching some of his movies are still fun...
And then there's the ones where no matter how many times you watch it, you always question what the hell did I just watch...?
Sometimes it's a regular movie that's a mind fuck after about half way through and you finally figure out WTF is going on...
I've watched quite a few that were like that. Now I don't normally go for this kind of movie, but it truly messed with my head at a more emotional level...
I've not seen that one, I will usually avoid Jim Carrey movies like I avoid Tom Cruise movies...
Fuck Tom Cruise. There's so many movies that look like they'd be great to watch if it wasn't for him being in them...
Oh tell me about it.  There's always the movie that you are really looking forward to see, then hear that Mr. Dickhead himself has gotten one of the roles in it.  Scratch that one off and wait for something else to come around...
And another reason to hate this too...
Live and let live, I say.  Truth they are a bunch of nutbags, but that's all on them...
This guy's never bothered my in the airport or knocked on my door, but I certainly wouldn't say "live and let live"...
Oh I agree, I was only referring to that "church."  I don't apply live and let live to just anyone and AFAIK there isn't anything or anyone associated with that church that has done a whole lot of truly evil...