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Yes, yes I can...
Now that you put it that way, I can too...
I'll tell you what, I'd rather be downwind of the cow poop flinger than be anywhere near one of these places...
Oooof, I can only imagine (and don't ever want to experience that one)...
I wouldn't have thought it'd be that bad. Although this morning I was cutting up a pine tree and the aroma was heavenly...
Oh, I agree with the fresh cut pine, or any fresh cut lumber for that matter.  Did you know that Yankee Candle used to have one scent called Fresh cut 2x4.  It was awesome.  But the problem with a pulp mill is all of the sulphur chemicals that are used in that production process...
I've been working with maple hardwood for a while now and I don't care for the smell of it when cutting it...
Sometimes oak is that way with me, working with it in the shop I usually like the smell.  But in the woods cutting, chopping, and splitting logs (when they are wet) will sometimes have a pukey sour smell...
Nice. And this makes the house smell like Christmas...
Oooh, burning logs always have that heavenly scent...
When it's my time to go, I want to go like my grandfather; quietly in his sleep. Unlike his screaming passengers...
See, burning candles in the car isn't such a good idea...
I think it's a Grand Marquis (here)...
Otto-driving cars might be the future, at least with regard to the folks that shouldn't be driving will then have a way to get to their destinations...
Some of those people would be able to somehow manage to screw up driving an auto-pilot car. They need to take the damn bus...