
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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And she got the axe...
I seem to remember someone in a lead position whacking off the tip of their finger during training when they were showing the other person what *not* to do...
There were a lot of people there with their lights on, but no one home...
Yeah, right....
Still trying to figure that one out...
Proof that I read it for the articles...
I like the do-it-yourself version...
And the first time someone mentioned "adult coloring books" I had a totally different perception...
Give me a Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry coloring book anytime...
Hmmm, this looks vaguely familiar...
It was only a matter of time before it went absolutely full circle...
Wile Python is always fun, I'm putting the breaks on to keep us from going over the cliff...
I can always appreciate a little good humor...
I had forgotten how funny Eddie was in the early days...
Too bad this ass-hat pissed Eddie off and kept him from guest starring on SNL...