
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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Granted, that was a shitty comment, but you gotta admit that once Eddie fell, he wasn't funny any more.
That may be, but take a look at #6...
Ok that's cool. And even better is he's still higher on the list than this chad...
What's this chad doing...
Like a phoenix...rising from the ashes..
Bender made me hungry....
Oh yeah. You know what would go with that...?
Why yes I do...
And then finding that comfy couch to sleep off the food coma...
That couch doesn't happen to be green, does it???
Don't mind me, I'm just using your toilet...
I dunno but he talked about that concert for months...
Just follow me and I'll get you to the front row...
Was it left... right... left... right... forward... back... step forward?

Or forward... back... forward... back... left... right... slip through the gap??
Find the largest immovable person and shove them with all your might. That'll get the chain reaction started in order to implement the dance moves above...