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I still enjoy programming and now I have Javascript/AngularJS and HTML5 added to my resume. If I wasn't programming, I'd be doing something systems related for sure, such as one of my other hobbies...
Now, how much do I not keep up with technology anymore?  I had to look up that distro.  While I was going to reply with a different image from this show, I saw this one and realized how closely the logo matches...
I'm actually taking a class right now on cyber security. Today's lecture had a segment on MITM, SSL stripping and snooping. This Wifi Pineapple was one of the cool devices that was touched on. I might get one...
Oh very cool.  Who is presenting that course?  One of my former colleagues at the last company that I worked for could present that course.  There were plenty of rumors around that he was a member of Anonymous...

edit - I just noticed something funny.  What OS do you think he's using?
Nathan House (Station X) is the one. So far the first course has been mostly a primer. It goes into some details of the different threats and type and tools (about 85% I already knew about - so there was some new stuff I did learn)...
A potential career change in the future?
I'm keeping my options open...
Nice, good luck.  That career path will suit you well...
Remember when you needed the instructions...?
If the copy protection wasn't something like that, I was happy...
I liked the Super Archiver and watching it slow the drive down to create phantom sectors and stuff...
Now copy protection is just requiring the end user to have a subscription and pay monthly...
I just want to play a solo game in the middle of no where and only dial-up internet...
I use a Verizon hot spot when I head to the mountain retreat and still need to work...
The video games are only for relaxing on those really rainy days (and even then we still hike mountains in the middle of a down pour)...