
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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Yeah, some games were really really bad.  They filled a dump in New Mexico with some...  But I had forgotten about that game, and yeah, people would go totally nuts today if that were released again.  It's funny how thin skinned we've become in just a few short years...
It'd be nice if we could get our thick skin back. And at the same time, drop the whole Puritanical bullshit so we could get ads on TV like this one...
I know what you mean, sometimes European countries have more reasonable views on certain topics...
Unfortunately, the most unstable areas of the world have regressed in the past decades...
At least there is one country in that unstable middle east that hasn't regressed...
Probably has something to do with religion in that area...
Here's a literal alignment...
Another alignment chart...
And then there's the mildly irritating alignments...
When tiling the floor in a 100+ year old house, you kinda need to do some creative things to help fool the eye into thinking things are aligned...
Late at night and after a couple of beers it probably feels a little like this to walk through there...
Late at night and after a couple of beers....
Late at night and after too many beers....
Late at night and after too many beers...