
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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Never unintentionally popped a cap, but this has happened on more than one occasion...
Did you see the vid about the guys that turn on a PC without a cooler? Can you say "hole through the motherboard...."
Saw that. This was their headquarters where it happened...
Ha! That was the theme of my Halloween costume in '86...
A new genre of zombies awaits...
No problems here...
Why's he wearing sunglasses indoors? Because it's always sunny in Doucheville...
Wow, you just opened a can of worms...
And we'll just put the kibosh on that one...
I loved Kim's explanation when he first showed that game. He called it "idiots with high explosives..."
I like that explanation...
One better...
Now if he only had a phone number to dial...
I've got Jenny's number if you need it...
Mr. Collins has something to say about that...