
Full Version: Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
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Well, probably best not to piss off Canada - you know how the quiet ones can really explode when pushed too far...
And sometimes it doesn't take much to piss them off...
The proper way to deal with ass-hole birds...
Sometimes it's just not that easy...
What'll happen if we put this sharp pointy thing on one of them...?
It only reminds them of their ancestors from a few hundred million years ago, then makes them sad to know they once ruled the earth, and now they're best fried and sold in a bucket...
What if we're portraying them like bad-asses, but in actuality they were just casual fun loving beasts...?
Hmmm, I never really considered that possibility until now...
That's funny as hell...
Man, no such luck finding a velvet Elvis with horses.  So I found the next best thing, a velvet Bob Ross painting a velvet Elvis...
That is the happiest of happy paintings...
LOL!!  Yes!!!  That was such an awesome trip.  I hate that no one else was there to join us either.  I looked for my copy of those notes but alas, I could not find them...
I've tried my damnedest to get a picture of that restaurant in Burlington, but this was the best I could do...
I went looking for that yesterday but couldn't find it.  Oh well.  And you would think that being as far away from the city, you wouldn't get so many damn New York buttheads...
I'll buy this for myself and put up a sign saying "No New Yorkers Allowed - Because you suck at being people"