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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
We haven't broached the topic of the Nightmare movies yet. We did watch the entire Saw franchise of movies so I don't think any of the 80's Nightmare movies will be nearly as psychologically damaging. I'll mention those to watch next. Right now we're finishing up the Star Wars saga - two movies left...

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Oooh, and is Empire still the best in your book followed closely by the first one?  Did you watch them in release order or episode order?  And did you simulate being back in the 80's and watch them as letterboxed on a big screen CRT?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I would have to say that's changed and A New Hope is so far my favorite then followed by Empire Strikes Back. I was lucky that when I ripped the DVD's it was before Lucas got his grubby mitts all over the films and so episodes IV, V and VI were closest if not the same as the theatrical releases. And I watched them on a large wide screen with the sound turned way up. Letterbox on a CRT would make me cringe. Plus I remember watching all of those at the movies...

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Speaking of frontal nudity, I always looked forward to watching Logan's Run and between the costumes with all of the side boob, and the ice room with nudes frozen in blocks of ice, that was a prepubescent fun movie.  But I think the only Star Wars movies that were untouched were the original VHS releases that were video rentals only because they cost $100 each.  By the time they got to the VHS that were marketed to the home user and then DVDs they had already been meddled with.  Though I know it was before he went crazy and really screwed things up when he rereleased them in the 90's.  I've got those first round of DVDs that you have and I think I may still have the VHS that were his first edits when he did little things like cleaned up the lightsabers and blaster fire and added "A New Hope" to the crawl...

p.s. - You probably should have replaced Episode I with the Phantom Edit instead...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That top picture crawler is from my copy. There was no edit to add "Episode IV / A New Hope" on it. I only had the IV, V and VI episodes on DVD, the rest are a result of sailing the high seas so I took what I could get. And I did see their 48 1/2 anniversary. Looks like there's a theater nearby showing it on Dec 3rd...

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Ok wow, that's interesting.  It's been a while since I looked at all of the versions that Lucas fucked with and those differences so I'm sure I am getting them confused.  Your DVs are probably the theater releases since I believe the first edit he made was to add the subtitle to the crawl.  Maybe I need to check my old copies too and see what they have on them...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I don't think I could watch a movie on VHS. The quality would probably drive me nuts - kind of like listening to music on a cassette tape. Although, enhancing and upscaling low res video to HD or higher is probably one of the few tasks that I think AI was definitely designed for...

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I would agree with your AI comment, it's good for some things and not good more most things.  But watching upscaled VHS movies isn't that bad, as long as you only upscale it to 720 and let the TV do the rest.  I've ripped some of my old VHS tapes and while it's obvious, I'm ok since those tapes are either not available in a more modern format, or I just don't want to go out and buy them again in the modern format.  But digital format isn't all that great either, especially when a little bit of signal noise gets in...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That's one of my gripes with digital signals is that you can lose your picture or just get chunks if the signal isn't strong enough. At least with analog you could still watch through the bit of snow. Oh hey, I think I saw a boob...

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That's one of my biggest gripes with digital anyway.  Screw up a few bits and it's unwatchable / unlistenable...  And what happens when you try to go toward streaming something to that fancy 4K TV?  It's just more bits that can get in the way of watching a clean stream...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
All of the streaming services are a bit bullshit now. They just keep raising their rates and dropping all of the good content that was worth watching. Or the one that grinds my gears is watching a show with 5 seasons and I'm on season 3 and all of a sudden only two episodes of season 4 are available. What the absolute fuck?!?!?!?

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I know you're not a fan of Amazon, but their Fire stick is better than Roku in that it allows you to load an app that streams from torrent sites...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
When I hear about Roku not letting their employees take pee breaks, treating a dead heart attack guy like it's a cleanup on isle 4, or tell them they can't go home just because a tornado is coming (see the links) then I'll think about not using their product. I haven't bought anything from Amazon in at least a year. I can't bring myself to use them as a service for anything anymore. When it's a gamble as to whether or not you're going to get a genuine product or a counterfeit then it's not worth it. Also, their prices are on average more than list - especially when I can buy most items direct from the manufacturer for less. Their shipping is atrocious. I did the Prime thing a long time ago and 2-day shipping was a joke. It'd take a week to get something because they'd sit on the order for 3-4 days (sometimes even longer) before shipping it. Without Prime, it could be a week and a half to two weeks before getting anything. And then their packing department has a lot to be desired. Nothing like some genius to take a 5lb spool of 18 gauge wire and pack it with a 4" LCD screen with NOT A FUCKING PIECE OF FOAM/CUSHION/AIR PACK to just slide around loose inside the box. Guess which product won that battle? And when I hear people that acknowledge the dystopian nightmare that is Amazon but continue to use them regardless because "well, it's convenient", it makes me want to just bitch-slap them into next week...

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Oh yeah, Amazon is a POS company run by a POS arsehole masquerading as a human....  I've got a friend that's retired and he thought it would be fun to go work at one of the Amazon DC's here just to get out of the house and earn a little extra spending cash.  I asked what he thought of all of the horror stories and he said not all are true and it doesn't seem to be that bad.  I saw him again just a couple of weeks later and I asked how he was doing.  He agreed with my initial concern that it's a shit company...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I've thought about doing something like that as well, but going there to work with the full intentions of seeing just how long I can be the biggest pain in management's ass...

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