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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
I think you had the same model that I had, and the sliders had LEDs in them as well plus the push buttons, so I think the total came to around 114.  And then you added that breadboard signal display that was another 20 or so on top of what the stereo, 8-bit and all of the components, and whatever else I am forgetting had.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I remember you having the same one as well. And I thought there were LEDs on the sliders, but every image I searched for that had them also had buttons on the bottom and a slider with a green LED on either side of the display and I don't remember those..

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That's 'cause you were looking in the wrong places.  I still have mine and while I haven't used it in a while, that old stereo is up at the mountain house.  A few years ago it stopped sending signal to the speakers and while I just keep it around for nostalgic reasons, that's probably not very bright of me...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Ah-ha! I knew you were bright. It was an AudioSource and I remember you having a model newer/higher level than mine. This is what I had...

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The stereo that I have now has a set up mode that lets you adjust the output level for each channel assuming you have a decibel meter.  It's awesome that sitting in my preferred spot all of the channels are balanced.  And it's expected to not use an equalizer since the encoding in the movie is already equalized (though I'm sure you can if you wanted to adjust for your room specific acoustics)...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
My audio receiver has a feature something like that where you would use a stereo microphone and put it where you would sit and it'd adjust the settings accordingly. Too bad I don't have a actual media room to take advantage of that...

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No media room?  Aren't the kids going to be out of the nest soon?  You'll have a couple of extra rooms that you need to do something with...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Soon? Have you seen the economy? $7.25 federal minimum wage since 2009. Average rent $2,100/month. Do the math. You'd be $800 in the hole every month provided you didn't need to eat, have electricity, heat or water, transportation, clothes, healthcare...

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Ouch, yeah, you are right.  I have no clue how kids these days are making it, it's certainly a whole new level of difficulty that we didn't have.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
It kinda sucks seeing how their grandparents were able to buy a house, vacation when they wanted to, thrive and retire with a lucrative pension. All that with a high-school diploma and a single income. The new American dream is to live in another country...

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Now it doesn't make a lot of sense to stick with a company like our parents did (for the most part).  I have to say I've been pretty lucky, the previous two companies that I worked for were small "family" run, and even the one that I'm at now has the right mentality that I'm not just a number...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I've been pretty lucky as well. Most of my roles I've pretty much stumbled into. But working at a giant company, I'm hoping that I'm not even a blip on their radar. Just 7 years, 4 months and 8 days left. I just hope our stupid government doesn't continue to try and fuck over the 99% to prevent anyone from actually being able to retire...

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That's how I prefer to run as well, under the radar.  One time while at Elixir I was at the office and there was some gathering in the back yard (when the office was in an old Victorian house on Main St) and someone came up to me and said I needed to go over and chat with Basit (the owner).  It turns out he had zero clue who I was and why I was there, even though we talked frequently and he had met me on many occasions in the past.

But then again that dude use to smoke all of the time and I don't doubt he was baked while at the office more often than not...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That was like at Standard - I was doing pretty good when I came back staying under the radar for a while after re-assimilating from my few months down in Charlotte. And then that smug asshat Goldstein who more than once pointed out how he has a Phd and runs his own business could only suggest throwing more money and hardware at our printers for being able to print that digital paper at rated speed. $50,000+ for a bunch of blade servers and it still wouldn't run at rated speed. But me the simpleton developer in his jeans, t-shirt and sneakers couldn't possibly understand how any of this works came up with a POC solution during lunch and had the printer running full speed - all in software. Next thing I know I'm being told not to share this information with anyone and at the end of it all I've got a patent for my solution. Way to stay under the radar, eh...

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You might want to check and make sure that switch yards are not no-fly zones.  The government has really been changing some of those laws and requirements related to drone flights...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob

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