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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
There were quite a few places that lost money on us. Those all you can eat buffets were awesome for active teenagers. Not so awesome for the owners...

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Oh yeah, too many teenage boys will totally fuck with your bottom line...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Teenage boys will just mess your shit up. I tried finding old pictures of Manchester to see if it was a Ponderosa or Bonanza. I think it was a Bonanza but damned if my memory isn't just making things up now. But I did find this. I can't remember the name of that record store that was in there...

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I know that record store well, and that arcade.  I spent many hours in both of those whenever mom had to run into Manchester I would bum a ride and beg her to drop me off at the Parkade...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I remember going there a few times after school and weekend nights where there was at least one fight, someone doing burnouts down the strip and a police chase (usually on foot too). And on just about any given week you'd see my initials on this machine...

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Oh yeah, yup, it was Record Breaker.  I remember seeing the first Fates Warning there and someone telling me it was awesome, though I never picked it up until much later in life...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I forget how many tapes and CDs I bought there. I think I even got some concert tickets from them as well...

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I used to get all of my albums from there, than tapes, but never CDs.  Ok, maybe a few but I think most of my CDs were from Sam Goody by that point and then especially once I started working there and got my discount.  However concert tickets were always from Harvest.  And how I ever convinced my folks that staying out overnight there so I could be at the front of the line the next morning when the window opened was ok I'll never know...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I remember going to Harvest a few times to get tickets. Never did the overnight thing, but I did wake up at 4am and hop onto my bike and ride over. It's crazy the things we used to do as kids...

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I remember some of the crazy stuff that we used to do, and have probably forgotten more than half of it.  But I'll never forget the time that Terry tried to break that bottle over his head...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That was funny as hell. Didn't we tell him not to try but naww, he wouldn't listen. He just about knocked himself out. And didn't the bottle bounce off the concrete floor when he threw it...?

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Yeah, we told him not to, but instead it was "I can do it, watch..."  bonk bonk...  "Maybe I'm not hitting it hard enough..."  "*BONK!!*" and almost knocked himself out.  I can still see it in my mind, I made sure to burn that one to permanent WORM memory...  

ps - yes, it did bounce and not break when he dropped it.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Those wild concert nights way back were a lot of fun. Part of me wishes we had these events recorded, but the bigger part of me is really glad we didn't...

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Part of me is glad we didn't record more than we did.  I think there would just be too much incriminating evidence to legitimately deny...  While looking for a pic of the video camera I did have, I found this post where some guy has one that he modded pretty significantly...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I was surprised that there's a following for the PXL2000 and people are modding them. I certainly didn't drop into that rabbit hole, but the better part of me was asking "why?" Out of the technology to mod, why that? Granted it's cool, but still, why? Maybe I should try to dig up my old EQ and mod that...

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