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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Oh yeah, bushwhacking that wasn't easy, but it was definitely fun.  I remember we had to free climb some pretty steep terrain to get to the ledge with those bushes.  So yeah, you might just be right that we would be the only ones that know about them.  But didn't the Cap'n also join us on that hike?  Was that the year that I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a noise outside the tent.  The Cap'n was passed out on the pic-a-nic table with his jumbo bag of cream cookies and a giant racoon was sitting on his chest eating said cookies.  Damn I wish I had a camera for that one...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
It might have been. I think I only made it to one of the Monadnock hikes...

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Man, I don't blame you for looking to GTFO and move to the NEK.  But for some reason, I thought you made it to a few of the Monadnock trips.  I know of one specifically when there was some something something Coke machine, something something.  And it was so dark we were watching satellites cross the sky in the middle of the night...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Memory of events get a bit clouded. I do remember that stupid Pepsi machine taunting me before I enacted my vengeance on it and I also remember boiling my short ribs in barbecue sauce. Now I don't know if those were the same trip or not. But I do know those nights camping out in the back yard made for some awesome memories of playing D&D where the entire night was spent just creating our characters...

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There are too many most excellent memories and yes, they all do kind of blur together at this point in my life.  For a bunch of geeks, we really did give a big bird to Death on more than our fair share of occasions and lived life a whole lot more exciting than most people...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
When I used to go into the office, during lunch some of my stories made for a conversational topic - and not surprisingly there were looks of skepticism and maybe that I was embellishing them, when in fact I left out some of the more interesting details because even I knew they sounded over the top. But like you said, as kids we did a lot of very "exciting" activities. And I miss that metal up your ass t-shirt, but that got ripped when I fell out of a tree - luckily I hit every branch on the way down so the final thud wasn't one of those collapsed lung kinda feelings...

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Oh yeah, I can most certainly believe no one believed half of what you were telling them.  I find them pretty incredulous myself and I was there for some of the stories...

Case in point, the pics I am attaching are swiped from the Cap'n...  If there was no photographic evidence, would anyone have even believed the stories behind these two?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Was that the one where it got out of control and had flames shooting up 20'-30' and the fire department showed up? I remember being in the back seat with Nancy and there were all these flashing lights. Good thing she had that rear window louver cover thing so the firefighters walking right past us couldn't see in...

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There were a handful of bonfires that I attended at the Cap'ns house, but that is most likely the incident that you refer to...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Yup and you successfully made those rum balls. It was an unfortunate chain of events that lead to them getting overcooked...

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Hindsight is always 20:20.  Maybe what we should have done with that is use it as a dip with other cookies used as chips...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Or do what the wife has done before and make cookies that have consumed another cookie...

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Holy crap!!  That is genius!!!!

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I don't know about a cookie consuming a pie, but I bet you could make a German chocolate pie and have a cookies in the middle. It also depends on how loose your definition of a pie is...

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Now a cookies mashup with other desserts is something I could totally back and offer my services for tasting and judging...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob

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