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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Down where I live you are more likely to pick up a handful of cinderblocks with that car...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Those cinder blocks make for the perfect centerpiece. The car keeping them in place is just a bonus...

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Alas, the southern hospitality is mostly gone in Charlotte.  You still see it on occasion, but to find it you really need to travel outside of the city.  It's a lot like what's up there, a bunch of butt heads all packed in the bigger towns and when you get to the more rural areas, you find people that are much more hospitable and easy going...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Not gonna lie, when I saw centerpiece and cabin this is the first image I got in my head...

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Oh, definitely rural over suburbs or city.  My next move, when that comes, will be to very rural.  Travel has been non-existent so proximity to an airport is no longer in the list of requirements...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Travel for me has been mostly from 2nd floor to 1st floor and back again. My up and coming move will be here with views of the White Mountains in the distance...

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I am still hanging out at the cabin and at least during the middle of the week this area is nice.  It's very rural and relatively remote until the weekends and then you end up with tourists that plan to come to the mountains and the lake.  But it's still much more gooder than living in Charlotte...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
It's funny how so many "experts" say humans are social creatures and require to be around others. Once in a while, fine, but living in a populous area with them all around you all the time, no thanks...

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Is that mountain going to be named something to subliminally suggest a specific type of weather?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
"Expert": I took a class one semester in college in my freshman year...

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Blizzard would be a cool name until the orcs show up...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
This is the work of someone who says the internet is for weenies, plus his buddy is a structural engineer expert and he said it was built gooder than any contractor he's seen...

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It's too bad he used 2" deck screws instead of 16p nails...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I actually spent 30 minutes watching an electrician talk about bonded neutrals and ground. And I spent 15 minutes on the phone with a tech about my backup generator to determine if the 240V outlet neutral is bonded or floating (note, it's bonded and I need to make it floating). All this in preparation of installing a 30A breaker to backfeed into the main panel...

(and I wish Youtube would bring back the dislike counter because there's tooooooo many reckless and dangerous DIYers out there recording their howtos)

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Bonded vs floating neutrals are something we really didn't get into in the residential electrical class that I took, but since it looks like it's specific to the model of generator it's good that you talked to someone knowledgeable.  In NC, we have a community college course that you can take that preps you to take the homeowner's certification, it basically says you are qualified to do electrical on your own residence, including pulling permits and scheduling inspections.

Oh, and that neutral bar on the left is just the owners way of shutting off their kid's tv and XBox...  Disconnect the hot going to his receptacles and just connect it to that so it's not just dangling in the panel not attached to something...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob

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