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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
I think there's a mix of parallel universes and time traveler fuck ups mixed into this timeline for sure...

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And possibly some red pill/blue pill shit on top of it all.  I think we need to get a time traveler to go back and prevent CERN from even starting.  That might help alleviate some of the wackiness...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That one literally made me laugh out loud because I could picture it happening...

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That's funny, 'cause when I saw that pic it immediately came to mind and I chuckled too...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That's a popular one. We've been sharing that one for years around the "office" as well. And about 4 years ago we did a code review of our offshore devs and they weren't paramatizing their variables :facepalm:

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Ugh, I hate that.  It happens here all of the time too, it's one of my mentoring pet peeves, the whole "I showed you what was needed, how to do what was needed, made sure you fully understood what was needed...  Why couldn't you complete what was needed???!!!"

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I had that just last month. Did the code review, saw a bunch of potential problems, showed this person best practices for correcting them and sent them on their way. I rejected their pull request 3 freaking times because they kept doing the same stupid thing over and over again. By the 4th request it wasn't broken, but it wasn't good and I said screw it and let them merge it in. I'd refactor it later since it'd only take about 2 minutes instead of half a day of rejecting pull requests...

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Ooooh that shit is so annoying.  Sometimes it's worse when I am the one in charge of the developers on a project and the code is sub-par, especially from partner consultants.  I've had to go back to management and tell them I don't want to work with XYZ partners anymore because their output is utter useless crap...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That's frustrating as hell. Just today during a demo with the Product team (who writes our features) involved, one of the devs was asking a bunch of questions to the Product team regarding some database columns and how we're not mind-readers. Since I've already been using the same table he'll be using, they asked if I was using the columns in questions. I just said, "Nope, they weren't mentioned as part of the feature." I heard the dev start to laugh right before he pushed his mute button. Product spends weeks writing up these features. If a spec isn't in there, I'm not concerned with it, even though when I saw those columns I knew right away they were going to be needed because they're important. I figure let this be a lesson to Product to stop wasting our time...

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Perfect example of malicious compliance...  Happy Friday!!!

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Always good to end the week with some Calvin & Hobbes...

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Can I start the week with Calvin too?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I never got that question, it was usually something along the lines of "why are you like this?"...

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Ok, I can hear your mom saying that...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Quote:NARRATOR: Now it was serious. A double dog dare. What else was left but a triple dare-you and finally the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple dog-dare? Schwartz created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat.

Quote:SCHWARTZ: I triple dog dare ya

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