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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
I doubt there are any handheld games in there.  It was the father of a bunch of kids our age.  Parents back then didn't usually care about stuff like that...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Yeah, parents are like that. I'm sure there's been a least a few $1,000's worth of collectables my mom tossed just because. Like my Star Wars Death Star toy. That trash compactor with the monster and foam chunks was my favorite part...

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Dontcha hate that.  But my folks were just the opposite, they saved *EVERYTHING*!  A lot of my toys were stored in the attic.  A few years ago they were going through and asked me about pretty much everything.  They were cleaning the attic out and donating most of it to their church that was having a tag sale.  I am sure there were some folks that were able to pick up some classics for a cheap price...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Oh dang. That's the one I had and it's amazing it's only a few towns away too. I think I still have my land speeder somewhere...

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I never had any of the figures, but I did have a few full sets of cards.  And wish I still did, I am seeing some of them on ebay listed for some high dollar amounts...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I had a few sets of Star Wars cards, but not an entire set to build the picture on the back. Although, I did have all of the KISS sets completed. I think I still have the cards somewhere, but all the corners are mashed in because I used to abuse the snot of them...

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I never had any KISS cards, but I did have the full set of Battlestar Galactica cards, and of course the requisite baseball cards.  I remember having a few Hank Aaron cards, but not from his rookie season.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I think I had a handful of Battlestar Galactica cards. But for your vacuum, you'll need a bigger one because this fartknocker should be in there as well...

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It's gonna have be a huge vacuum just to include all of that shit they call music these days...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
On our drives up north we play a wide collection of 80's music and it made me think of how much diversity there was back then. Granted, there were some amazing steaming piles of garbage, but for the most part each band had their own unique sound. We were talking about this just recently and how today it all sounds the same and it's all pretty bad...

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My drives are going to be either radio or streaming something from my server, and it's going to be a mix of new and old.  There is a station in SC that has a great variety of 80's through today, and they have a "Smash or Trash" every evening at 8 that you get to vote on.  It's always something new and a lot of times from someone unknown.  If it gets a trash rating, they never play it again.

But you are right about popular music today that the zombie populace like.  There is no variety and it just sucks...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
The worst is Spotify. I only listen to it when I'm on the treadmill and I have it playing on the laptop. Now after a year they finally made a radio station for me that got it absolutely correct: Slayer, Iron Maiden, Metallica (nothing past Master of Puppets), Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, Megadeth, Testament, Voivod, Volbeat and a few I'm not sure who they are but are good nonetheless. But what pisses me off is that every 9-10 minutes they bust in with self-promotional ads pushing assholes like Kanye West and whothefuckknows hip-hop artist. Seriously, know your listeners, try advertising Red, Bullet for my Valentine, Beartooth, Disarmonia Mundi, Soilwork or Ozzy...

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I know what spotify is but don't use it.  I'm grateful that the truck's radio has bluetooth since the radio plays way too many commercials.  It's sad that I have 12 presets and I can spin through all 12 and the only one not playing commercials is the classical station, and I am just not in the mood for that.  So then it's usually streaming from my Subsonic server and usually my options that I select are either recently added or I'll pick a genre and hit random...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I just have the Plex server and hitting random doesn't work because I do have a collection of craptacular music, but it's when I'm hearing Frosty The Snowman kick in is when I have to stop that. And hitting a genre is good, but it ends up playing all of the garbage tracks from Yngwie Malmsteen or I'll here 5 Iron Maiden songs back-to-back...

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At least your playlist can have more than 10-15 tracks per side.  Bonus if your player has auto-reverse...  Second bonus is if you have a pencil ready to rewind that tape...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob

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