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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Yeah, I hate having to look at beer through a dirty glass...

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The second worst thing to do to beer glassware (after not cleaning it properly) is keeping it in the freezer...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
The worst is when you have to bribe the bartender with a jelly donut to get the last beer...

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Hmmm, I have gotten the last beer and the bartender usually gives it to you on the house.  The best one was at a place that had 100+ taps and another 200+ bottles.  One of the taps was an Old Hickory Event Horizon on a beer engine.  One of my trips there killed the keg and so that pour was on the house.  Getting that for free was like winning the lottery!!

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I just read an article about them and they seem like two guys you'd enjoy to drink a beer with...

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I probably read the same article and totally agree, they sound like those that I would love to just hang out and have fun.  When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut, that is until I got older, found pr0n, and decided that pizza delivery guy was an achievable and lofty goal...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I never got into the Firefly series...

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Ooooh, good one.  Nice double entendre!  "Clean the pipes..."  LOL!

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I never thought of Star Wars as a space western as it always felt a little too political. But I could probably watch something like this...

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Oh, now *THAT* I would love to see and is probably why I liked Firefly; it does this in pretty much every episode.  For the most part, it's Star Wars set in the Old West...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I don't think I'll like any of the new Star Wars since I'm not much of a fan of Disney...

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I did not know this until just now, but Empire Strikes Back was rereleased to the theaters.  That one and the first one are pretty much tied in my book as the two best episodes.  I may just need to check it out, it would be nice to see it on the big screen again.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That one wasn't bad. I saw it when it came out. I didn't hear anything about Empire Strikes Back being re-released. It makes me wonder what they changed. I will admit that I did enjoy watching the Clone Wars series more than the movies...

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I have been meaning to catch up on those, I saw the first episode but never followed up after that one.  And (spoiler for me) I heard that Darth Maul was in them as well.  He is one of the few redeeming qualities that was in Episode One, and I hated that he "died" in that one.  I called BS on that, the force was strong with him, he would not have been surprised when Obi-Wan pulled himself out of the pit...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Believe it or not, I haven't watched any of the Episode I-III movies. From the reviews I heard, it didn't seem like they were that good so I never invested any time in watching them. Even though I have the sitting on the Plex server...

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