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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Oh shit, I remember ditching school and hopping on the bus to wait in line for concert tickets there. Afterwards I'd spend the rest of the day at the Parkade. I think I only had to run from the police once...

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The Parkade.  I have many fond memories of that place.  The arcade in the back and the cheap 2nd run movie theaters with the midnight madness specials...

But holy shit, did you realize Connect Golf Land had a commercial?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
That was amazing. I always found it better to watch other people play Dragon's Lair. That game was too rich for my blood. The cartoon series wasn't too bad though...

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Did you know that Renault made a D&D commercial (Originally in Portuguese for the Brazilian market)?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Oh boy that was bad. Just as bad as their failed "car"...

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Oh come on, it's at least as good as any of the D&D movies that are out there, and better than some of them...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I try to stay clear of the D&D movies because it just spoils it for me...

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After the last painful image I posted last week, I'll spare you the one that was going to follow yours.  It's not as bad as yours but the gif is just really hard to look at...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I tried my best at finding where that image was from, but I think it's a little too green to be Burning Man. The wind swept bushes and the bike being on a centerstand instead of a kickstand. Plus the way that couple looks makes me want to say it's in northern Europe somewhere...

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You may be correct about the northern Europe assessment.  The closest interaction I ever had with Burning Man was a few months after I joined Elixir.  I was out there for a couple of weeks for training and they had a company meeting.  Some dude comes in all hippified and sits down.  Real hippified, the birkenstocks, striped pants, shirt, vest, ZZ Top-ish beard, long hair with ribbons braided all through it and everything.  Like he stepped out of the 60's and with an odor emanating from him...

I'm sitting next to Russ and lean over and ask.  He looks at me and says "Oh, you don't know Bruce?"  Nope....  "Oh yeah, he's our CTO, he's the original developer..."  It turns out he was on his way home from that event and decided to stop at our company meeting first before going home...

Freaking California, it truly is like a bowl of granola...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Ugh... California hippy sandal wearing tree hugging dirt munching druids. I'm thinking of moving to Europe...

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Uhhhh, I hate to break it to you, but there is no escaping them....

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Was there ever a Wile E Coyote and Pepe le Pew crossover? Seems like his stink stopped most people in their tracks...

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I'm not sure about Wile E Coyote, but he did an episode with the Goodfeathers...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Quite a few with the big brains are really just dim bulbs...

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