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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Oh, you could rewind them the same way as a cassette, it just takes a little effort to open the dust cover and hit the unlock button on the bottom then spin the hub with your finger.  It was never a fast rewind since you couldn't just leave the cover open and free-spin it on the end of your finger in the same way as a cassette, it was just twist your finger, extract, rotate, insert and twist some more.  But it certainly was do-able.  And nothing you would want to show the average luzr how to even open the dust cover...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I remember having to manually tighten a loose VHS tape with my fingers. Some people are really nostalgic for that movie browsing experience. I can imagine what basements will be looking like in 50 years...

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That is really someone with too much time, money, and space.  I do get the nostalgia, there is a Blockbuster still alive and some friends that I worked with at the BB in Manchester went out there a couple of years ago for their anniversary.  But to turn an entire room into a video store when most casual movie nights are just streaming something is a bit overboard.

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I kind of admire the person who has a passion for something and can really execute it. It's certainly not my cup of tea - I'd sooner build an old 80's arcade first...

(the movie you're thinking of is Cabin In The Woods)

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Oh, someone with that passion and who can execute well, sure.  But if I tried to do something like that it would basically turn into a dumpster fire.  But the Cabin in the Woods was just the one image that I pulled up when searching.  The one that I was looking for had the saw blade stuck perfectly vertically in his forehead right between the eyes.  I never did find that screen shot nor figure out what movie it was from (or even if it was a movie and not just something out of my nightmares...)

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Oh man that is one ugly piece of artwork. According to some sources it was designed by some Italian and it's supposed to be a map of the city. Says a lot about Italians and maps - since Christopher Columbus got lost trying to find India. It's even uglier than that lollipop at my old school that's since been replaced by some equally atrocious architectural thing...

(bonus for bad art)

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Is it just me or does a lot of public art make absolutely no sense and are ugly as shit unless you're the artist that just charged the city $2.3 million...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Every time I hear about how someone charges an obscene amount of money for what amounts to something close to trash, I keep thinking, damn, I'm in the wrong business. But one thing that surprised me about that dancer gif; they actually took time to give her some pronounced nipples...

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P.T. Barnum - Anyone can create art.  It takes a special someone to know that the art piece can be sold to a sucker for a million-five...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I wish I had friends that had more money than brains. I could sell them some "art"...

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It doesn't need to be your "friends,"  in fact I would like to think you wouldn't try to sell us some "art."  All you really need is a contact in government that is in charge of humanities...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Or see about applying for some of those weird-ass grants...

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Who decides what grants are going to be earmarked?  I mean studying hamster fight clubs might have some merit if you're a gambler, but otherwise what is the use???

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
What's the use? Free money. determines the earmark. I found one: $300,000 award, $2,000,000 ceiling - 22-569 Algorithms for Modern Power Systems National Science Foundation. Step 1. Use ChatGPT to write up the synopsis. Step 2. Submit to government. Step 3. $$ Profit $$. People complain the government wastes our tax dollars - well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Might as well get some of that back if you can...

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Hmmmm, you got me thinking... But what sort of responses are you required to provide once you do eventually get that grant?  I am assuming you have to do some legitimate research, otherwise the gov'mnts gonna want that money back...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob

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