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Uncle DT's Random Image Thread
Was it him? I only remember him having to ask his mommy if he could go on our ski trip. I now remember that stupid lighter. What an absolute goober.

But on another note, those clips are awesome, but I'm going to seriously question the 33 minute Ballblazer ringtone...

[don't click this]

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Ouch, I shoulda listened and not clicked.  So why not a 33 minute ringtone?  It's for those times that I screen the call, don't want to answer, but the caller doesn't get the hint...

(Wouldn't it be fun if you had a setting that forced your ringtone to play for the caller instead of them just hearing the basic ring ring...)

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I think you might be onto something there. Just think of all the annoying ringtones you could make. Even better if you could configure it for individual callers...

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Ringtones are already configurable per contact, I would assume that would just transfer back into playback for them.  Secondary thought, inbound and outbound are independently configurable, including defining families / groups. So those that come in pre-marked as spam would get the most annoying klaxxon available. Better yet, if the number is already defined as spam, that definition should also include *real* contact details.  Autodialers might then become useful again.

Holy cow though, I would have seriously busted that gut. What year did you start?  Did you ever have one of those inserters in Tolland that used a 1040 as their controller?

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
For the spam callers, create one with "Hello, this is Mark McGillicuddy, thank you for calling Microsoft Support. Please have your iTunes gift card pin numbers ready" in the thickest Indian accent you can find.

I started there I think in '91, and yeah, we did have a 1040 for one of the inserters. I didn't know about it until I saw it packed away in the back one time. I was like - how can I get my hands on that? It was around the same time they were getting rid of an RS/6000 that I seriously contemplated grabbing...

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I would probably use the name Michael Hawk, but that would be cool if you can personalize your voice mail recording based on the inbound number or group.  Kind of like what Hunter did.  And he gets me every time I call when I hear him say "hello...  hello....  I can't hear you..."  The rat bastard.

As for that 1040, I was managing digital production in addition to the developers so was really involved with equipment purchases, installations, and training out on the floor.  I happened to walk by and check the status on the inserter during installation and saw the 1040 and felt like a kid.  I can bring Dungeon Master in and play it during down time...

<edit> Oh, and I created a handful of sounds for notifications.  You can use custom sounds, but the default sound picker doesn't provide functionality to select those so you just need to use a different file explorer and select them instead. </edit>

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I was starting to play with those sounds. If I had more musical talent I could have come up with some catchy beat with them.

But something I miss is having the downtime to do some network gaming. Apparently it's frowned upon to have fun at work...

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I was going to say we know someone that does have some musical intuition that we need to get back on here and involved with this thread.  But then holy crap, the Cap'n got married!!!

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Yeah, I met his wife then girlfriend almost 2 years ago when they came up for a visit. She's really nice...

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I took a look on that book of face and she seems really cool, like they are perfect for each other.  And that is awesome.  You do need to plan a trip, maybe this fall when it's not so hot and we all converge on Eastern Tennessee and do something...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
Does the south have a lot of the county fairs like we have up north...?

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Unfortunately not.  There is an occasional festival, like a Cheerwine festival and strawberry festival, but for the most part it is nothing like the fairs that are up there.

I think back to how long I've known the Cap'n and all of those Depot picnics with everyone, it's too bad you weren't part of that.  But at least you met up with Tommy and he brought you to a Sunday game...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I started to check out the fall festivals around your area and yeah, the pickings are slim. A lot of stuff that's not really in our "these looks like fun" zone.

Bummer I was bit too late to the party when it came to the Rockville Depot gatherings. But luckily Tom was nice enough to offer the invite. I know life would have a been a whole lot different if I never got that modem...

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That was a long time ago, back when state codes weren't two characters and phone numbers sounded more like "Klondike-5-21-12".

But the Cap'n was still living at his parent's house (I think his mom had already passed away and his dad was in an apartment close to Cheney Tech).  Timmo was moving up from Kentucky with Jessica and we decided to get that apartment on Tudor Ln.  Man their cat was terrified of me.  I think it was that giant stand up that was used to terrorize Roo-pus...

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and so what uranus is a star - Rob
I forgot Rob was still at his house in the later years. I remember when he was living with Cat and that messes with my memory because the house layouts were almost identical.

Roo.. stupid cat...

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